I am back and ready for 2013


2013: I am back. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I took a pretty long break from blogging — life got a hold of me and I lost track of time to devote to blogging. I also went through a period where I wasn’t sure if anyone was reading this – I’m still not quite sure — and I was (still sort of am) insecure about what I was writing and who was reading it. But the 2 months or so that I was away from blogging, I was constantly reading about various current events, observing media coverage and how journalism impacts how we understand the world around us, etc. I was so eager to talk to people about these things. Social media is an excellent outlet for engaging many people in important discussion, but Facebook friends just complained about being political and ranting that they don’t care and don’t want it on their newsfeed. I am constantly baffled by this. You want to read about what people are having for lunch, what outfit their wearing to the club tonight, and various rants about bad days at work and break-ups, yet you don’t want to discuss issues that are impacting our world — our lives — every day? Sad. That’s all I feel and that’s all I can say.

So I am not going to drown myself in pointless, materialistic Facebook posts because that’s the norm. I am going to talk about these issues. I believe we NEED to ALL be talking about them, whether we agree or not, in order for change to happen. We need to put aside our worthless hours spent on Facebook and spend just 20-30 mins reading various sources of news and comparing both sides. We need to be intelligent, informed, and ready to take on these issues. So I’m ready and this blog will boom in 2013.

In thinking about 2013 and what I hope to happen based on how 2012 went, I have a long list of things both personally and professionally. But I will not bore you with that as this blog is not about me or my life. It is about our society and how issues are being talked about. I am always viewing the topics I pose here through a feminist lens. Yes, the big F word. If you’d like to read more about that, refer to my very first post.

For 2013, I want our society to be kinder. That is all. It sounds so simple — corny even — but I think it speaks to a lot of issues I’ve covered here already and issues I intend to cover in 2013. If we are kinder human beings, our rights would not constantly be violated, our lives would be safer, happier, and healthier, our children would be on a path to success, our world would be better. If we were all operating out of kindness 100% of the time, perhaps we’d be more proactive rather than reactive. Perhaps we’d be more equal. Perhaps all members of society would feel wanted and accepted. Perhaps we could all just be a little bit kinder to ourselves and our neighbor.

I challenge you to be kinder every day. To be thoughtful. Hey, you could even blog about your kindness and how that directly has impacted your life and the life of others. I’d follow you…

I look forward to my blogging journey of 2013.


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